
what is java script

what is java script programming language?

JavaScript is a popular programming language that is primarily used for building interactive web applications. It is a dynamically-typed, object-oriented, and event-driven language that is primarily executed in web browsers. JavaScript allows developers to add interactivity, dynamic content, and other functionalities to web pages.

Some key features of JavaScript include:

1. Dynamically-typed: JavaScript does not require explicit variable type declarations, and the type of a variable can change during runtime.

2. Object-oriented: JavaScript supports object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigms, including objects, classes, and inheritance.

3. Event-driven: JavaScript provides built-in support for handling events, such as user interactions like button clicks or form submissions, making it suitable for creating interactive web applications.

4. Closures: JavaScript supports closures, which allow functions to "remember" the environment in which they were created, making it powerful for functional programming techniques.

5. Asynchronous programming: JavaScript has built-in support for handling asynchronous operations, such as making AJAX requests or using promises, allowing developers to write code that is non-blocking and efficient.

6. Prototypal inheritance: JavaScript uses a prototypal inheritance model, where objects inherit properties and methods from their prototypes, making it flexible and powerful for creating complex data structures and behaviors.

7. Cross-platform compatibility: JavaScript is supported by all modern web browsers, making it a widely used language for building web applications that work across different platforms and devices.

JavaScript is often used in conjunction with HTML and CSS to build dynamic web applications, create web-based games, implement server-side logic using Node.js, and develop other types of applications, including desktop applications using frameworks like Electron.

First program of java script?


Sure! Here's a simple "Hello, World!" program in JavaScript:


// JavaScript "Hello, World!" program

console.log("Hello, World!");


This program uses the `console.log()` function, which is a built-in function in JavaScript that writes a message to the browser's developer console. When you run this program in a web browser, you'll see the message "Hello, World!" printed in the console.

You can run this JavaScript code in an HTML file by including it within a script tag, like this:


<!DOCTYPE html>



    <title>My First JavaScript Program</title>



    <!-- Your HTML content here -->

    <h1>My First JavaScript Program</h1>


        // JavaScript code here

        console.log("Hello, World!");





In this example, the JavaScript code is embedded directly within the script tag in the HTML file. When you open this HTML file in a web browser, the JavaScript code will be executed, and the "Hello, World!" message will be printed in the console.

Note: To see the output of the `console.log()` function, you need to open the browser's developer console. In most web browsers, you can right-click on a web page, select "Inspect" or "Inspect Element", and then go to the "Console" tab to view the console output.

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